It's been warm. Usually around 105-110, plus humidity. Mornings are abso-fucking-lutely gorgeous however, and by mornings I mean from daybreak (first light) to only 8 AM. PINK skies, breezes, 80-85-ish. I go up on the roof with my coffee (sometimes the coffee has a shot of Delfie's homemade Bailey's...) and sit there and peruse the hood. The dogs all join me there, 5 to 7 of them, plus Luther. I bring Milk-bones. It's magical, truly. Sometimes I'll drive around on the quad and check on mi amigas' plants, the watering having been delegated to Richard. He's doing a great job, but they're all struggling somewhat. Just too damn hot!
Then it's inside in the AC the rest of the day. Ron likes the evenings on the roof, sunset and after, but I go to bed around then. Lots of TV, googling stuff, books. I watch for bedsores.
We get visitors, often. Sometimes a stream. There've been water supply issues requiring much attention to levels in the cistern, breakages and repairs, and managing deliveries of water. There've been electrical outages, requiring attention to various freezers, fridges, and computers/satellite dish services. Birthdays, anniversaries. Not NEARLY as drama-free as I thought (hoped) it would be...
Just watched Jimmy Fallon from 7/24. Search for it on-line, you will NOT be disappointed. Morgan Freeman on helium. I was LOLing, which NEVER happens!
I see Patricia often, currently absent: in Hermo watching her mom's cats while mom's gallivanting. I see Richard and Jaq daily, and Eileen, Phil, and Enrique occasionally. Gary's been here, Tom and Helen dropped by for a few days, and Jill/Kim come out often. (She's the water MONEY person.)
So that's about it. Y'all hurry back.
It's interesting to read about the expat lifestyle. How nice to happen upon this blog.