Sunday, January 24, 2010

Birds, Storm, Table, and Bathroom Sink.

I have a birdbath and now a hummingbird feeder. This morning I scattered some stale bread chunks and crumbs under a few bushes and voila! Within 5 minutes, I had cardinals, sparrows, a flicker (on the hummingbird feeder!), mourning doves, quail, and one hummer. I only got photos of the cardinals, though. Will need to hang out on my porch looking unobtrusive.

You can click the photos to make them bigger.

This guy was waiting for them to call his number at the birdbath.

Had his bath and a drink
Then he had a little nibble or three.

Have had some wild weather this week: high winds, drenching rains, and power failures. The power was out for 19 hours Friday, about 12 hours Thursday. We used the generator quite a bit for the fridge/freezer, TV and computer, but I was content to read for large blocks of time. We have 12V lights in the fifth wheel. The generator will run the computer, TV, modem, etc. all at once, but won't heat food in the microwave even if nothing else in plugged in. Mi Estufa Nueva (I call her Min) does a fine job on propane, though. Not like me to miss a meal...

Had a campfire last night with good friends Chuck and Patty Shannon from the park for company. And have had better-than-the -average-amazing sunsets with all the storms:

That was taken standing in the doorway of the casita. Same view sitting on the futon. Have to shut the door sometimes if the view and sunset interfere or distract from American Idol... Can you tell our porch palapa roof needs some attention? Lost a ton of those palm fronds from the porch and casita roof with the storms. We have to find out how to nail them back up there, that's only thin lath and won't support a person standing on it. Don't know HOW they do that.

Vikings game today. Will do barbequed chicken on the grill, roasted peppers and potatoes.

We bought a tiny table from neighbor Eileen. It has a fold out leg to expand it, and two little stools that tuck underneath, also two drawers. NOW we're full!

Rocky's sitting on his new pillow I crocheted for him, and is being pissy to me: he wants to go outside, but not with all those bread crumbs and birds out there. Later.

And this is new! Ron moved the washer, dryer, tools, and STUFF that were behind the folding screen out to our new garage (that property next door we just bought.) This corner will be our expanded bathroom, with the new Mexican bathroom sink for which he'll construct a Mexican-style cabinet. The stacking baskets will be very useful for NEW stuff.

This window used to be full of loaded shelves. Now we have too much light. That's where I watched the birds this morning.

And a few other bits and pieces got rearranged to make the table fit in better. The chair on the left is from the fifth wheel. The one on the right is Eddie's chair, which I HAD to have because it seemed to fit so well in style and color, but it's humongous and weighs a ton. We made a deal: the park borrows it every Christmas for Santa to sit on in the bed of a pickup truck, driving around distributing gifts in the streets of Kino.

So it's shaping up. There'll be an opening in the wall behind where those stacking baskets are to allow a tad more room in the toilet area. Right now it's literally not suited for tall people to sit there, more like a public restroom cubicle. And eventually a hallway into the bedroom addition... We have very little disposable income every month for projects, February's $ goes for the new water heater and PVC pipe.

And that's all that's new.

1 comment:

  1. I have htat same lil table! I love it! My brother now uses it as a desk.
