Monday, March 14, 2011

Ara and Spirit, I LOVE THESE GUYS!

Many bloggers have a list of other bloggers blogs that they follow, often daily. While perusing those blogs, I often discover more blogs on their blogrolls, and so the list grows. I've followed this one off and on for a few years now, and wanted to share.

A motorcycle and sidecar, a man and his pitbull. 
What's not to like?

© 2011 Ara Gureghian

Ara Gureghian is a nomad, along with Spirit, his friend the pitbull. His base camp is a piece of land with a very large tent near Big Bend State Park in Texas. When they go on the road, the tent goes in a big metal storage container.

© 2011 Ara Gureghian
 His online journal is prolific, and has something for everyone: excellent photography, mystical ramblings and soulful insight. Even recipes, as he's a classically-trained chef. But to me, the best part of his whole experience is the dog. Ara's constant concern for his dog's well-being is an underlying theme throughout his writing. There are actually heated garments and blankets so that Spirit is safe and comfortable in the wind's teeth.

© 2011 Ara Gureghian

While there are over four years of archived entries, reading them all could take weeks. I will try to extract the major catalysts in his forward journey for you.

Ara is Armenian, raised in France, culinary training in Switzerland, definitely nomadic genetically and historically. He and Spirit saunter around the country by motorcycle and sidecar and share the journey with us through stunning photography and commentary. It was a strange shock when I recently realized (Duh!) he must have an accent, as his written English grammar and sentence structure are slightly and charmingly non-native-language-speaker construction. Just slightly.

Ara's beloved 26 year old son Lance passed away from liver cancer in 2004, and this journey grew from Ara's need to accept, understand, and find a way to go on. Spirit, a much abused Pit rescued from a shelter, has been a major part of his healing, just as Ara's love and bonding have helped heal Spirit.

The website navigates easily. You can quickly check out say, all his photos of Utah. Or Yosemite. Or copy his recipe for Mango Salsa. While there are apparently subsidizing sponsors for his trips, you'll find a request for donations at the end of every entry in his journal. Ara once compared it to people lining up at Barnes and Noble and demanding free books.

The photographs alone are worth your time, but the story of this traveler and his dog will make you smile.

© 2011 Ara Gureghian

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